- Contact the manufacturer to get assistance locating an authorized service center near you. If there is not an authorized service center in your area, you are able to receive service from a reputable service provider. Or, if you are in Canada, you can also utilize Best Buy for service.
- You will be required to pay for repairs or any product replacement (if not repairable) out-of-pocket, including services provided in-store at Canadian Best Buy locations, and we will reimburse you according to the claim process below. Be sure to save your receipt or invoice. Best Buy is not responsible for the quality of any repair or replacement that is not provided by Best Buy.

International Claims
With Geek Squad Protection, we’ve got you covered.
Receive service or a replacement and we’ll reimburse you.
Step 1: Receive Service or Replacement1
Step 2: Call AIG to File for Reimbursement
Please ensure you have all of the information listed below prior to starting the claim process. Once your claim has been approved, you will receive reimbursement in 2 to 5 weeks depending on reimbursement method.2
Need Help?
Please contact AIG between 8am and 8pm CST if we can assist you in submitting your international claim, including to locate your Protection Plan ID number.
Common QuestionsCall between 8am and 8pm CST to file a claim. Choose the country from which you are currently calling from:
1To qualify for reimbursement, international service event must meet claim eligibility requirements under your GSP plan terms and conditions. In addition, it is your responsibility to comply with all applicable import and export laws and regulations and be responsible for all custom duties, V.A.T. and other associated taxes and charges.
2Reimbursement may be in the form of a check, wire transfer, or gift/pre-paid card, at the discretion of the underwriter. AIG WarrantyGuard, Inc. is the Obligor/Underwriter and Administrator of the coverage under this plan.